The Register has been developed to allow those outside of the Mayfair Collective group to access the expertise and specialisms of those that are within it. Mayfair Collective is not a closed shop. We feel putting a list together of the absolute best suppliers in the UHNW sphere is the least we can do to help those discerning private clients looking for specialist assistance.
We are delighted to say that both private clients and professionals use The Register as a barometer of excellence and often double check they are using the top people in their field, by searching if their current supplier appears on it, so we very much hope yours are!
For anyone to appear on The Register they must have worked with, or for another person from Mayfair Collective and be granted a testimonial by them. This has allowed The Register to be self-governing and more importantly ensures the very best in breed appear. This is NOT a ‘pay to play’ list of those that can afford it.
We very much hope you will find it useful and enjoy the experience of having access to such brilliant people.